Thursday, April 25, 2013

MicroJournal #13 - Dictionary

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) - an autoimmune disease that results in a chronic, systemic inflammatory disorder that may affect many tissues and organs, but principally attacks flexible (synovial) joints. It can be a disabling and painful condition, which can lead to substantial loss of functioning and mobility if not adequately treated.

File:Rheumatoid Arthritis.JPG

Glomerulonephritis - Also known as glomerular nephritis (GN), occurs when immune complexes circulating in the bloodstream are deposited in the walls of the glomeruli, the minute blood vessels of the kidneys. Damage to the vessels can result in kidney failure as the glomeruli lose their ability to filter waste.

Asthma - a chronic hypersensitivity disorder affecting the lungs and characterized by constriction of the smooth muscle of the bronchi and excessive production of thick, sticky mucus. 

Systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus) is a disorder in which the individual produces autoantibodies against numerous antigens, including nucleic acids, resulting in a red rash, hemolytic anemia, bleeding disorders, and muscle inflammation.

DiGeorge anomaly results from a failure of the thymus to develop; thus, there are no T cells, and children generally die of viral infections.

Friday, April 19, 2013

MicroJournal Entry #12 - Reflection

We are two weeks away from the end of this semester and I have learnt a a lot of new and interesting things in my Microbiology class this semester. Microbiology was sometimes challenging, but because we were being taught such interesting information, I was always eager to attend classes. It was obvious that Dr. Villanueva has a passion for this subject, and as her student, I adopted this passion also.

Microbiology was not just about bacteria and other microbes, like I expected it to be. It was so much more. I learnt about DNA replication, diseases, immunity, and many other topics. After the semester ends, I know I will never consider a box of milk as just plain milk, I will choose to wash my hands as long as there is water and soap, often instead of using hand sanitizers and I will always appreciate my normal microbiota.

My small group project researched the types and amount of bacteria found in showers and we discovered that there are many bacteria in showers! This was expected because as we bathe, some of the normal flora on our skins get washed off.

The contents of this course will be applied to my daily life and to my career in the medical field. I enjoyed being a Microbiology student this semester.

Friday, April 12, 2013

MicroJournal Entry #11 - Dictionary

Phagocytosisthe cellular process of engulfing solid particles or microbes, by the cell membrane to form an internal phagosome, which is broken down and killed.

Innate Immunity - the body's ability to protect itself from pathogens, in general, and prevent diseases.

Adaptive Immunitythe body’s ability to recognize and then mount a defense against distinct invaders and their products.

Naturally Acquired Active Immunity - occurs when the body responds to exposure to antigens by mounting specific immune responses.

Naturally Acquired Passive Immunity - occurs when a fetus, a new born, or child receives across the placenta or through breast milk.

Artificially Acquired Active Immunity - occurs when the body receives antigens by injection, as with vaccines, and mounts a specific immune response.

Artificially Acquires Passive Immunotherapy - occurs when the body receives, via  injection, performed antibodies in antitoxins or antisera, which can destroy fast-acting and potentially fatal pathogens such as rabies virus.

Friday, April 5, 2013

MIcroJournal Entry #10 - Investigations

My chosen article for this week is about an Oklahoma dentist who has been using dirty instruments in his practice. Oklahoma state and county heath inspectors became suspicious of Dr. Harrington's practice when a low risk patient tested positive for HIV and Hepatitis C and the patient had a dental procedure around the time of exposure. Upon investigation it was discovered that there were "major violations" of the Oklahoma Dental Act and Mr. Harrington's practice was using dirty instruments to perform procedures. The violations include reusing needles, administering drugs without a license, and using rusty instruments.

Officials are now sending letters to 7,000 people who are past patients of Dr. Harrington, urging them to get tested for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

This underlying problem of this article related to microbiology. The dentist failed to sterilize his instruments and so microbes were transferred from patient to patient. I believe the story is sad, but also interesting. It is sad to know that in today's world, where we have access to the tools necessary to prevent cases such as these, there are still reports of persons who do not use the resources available. The interesting thing about the story is how easy it is to infect others if the correct precautions are not taken. I believe the source is reliable.

"Thousands of Oklahoma patients urged to get tested for HIV, hepatitis after investigation shows dirty instruments in use | Fox News." Fox News - Breaking News Updates | Latest News Headlines | Photos & News Videos. Fox News, 29 Mar. 2013. Web. 5 Apr. 2013. <>.