Friday, April 12, 2013

MicroJournal Entry #11 - Dictionary

Phagocytosisthe cellular process of engulfing solid particles or microbes, by the cell membrane to form an internal phagosome, which is broken down and killed.

Innate Immunity - the body's ability to protect itself from pathogens, in general, and prevent diseases.

Adaptive Immunitythe body’s ability to recognize and then mount a defense against distinct invaders and their products.

Naturally Acquired Active Immunity - occurs when the body responds to exposure to antigens by mounting specific immune responses.

Naturally Acquired Passive Immunity - occurs when a fetus, a new born, or child receives across the placenta or through breast milk.

Artificially Acquired Active Immunity - occurs when the body receives antigens by injection, as with vaccines, and mounts a specific immune response.

Artificially Acquires Passive Immunotherapy - occurs when the body receives, via  injection, performed antibodies in antitoxins or antisera, which can destroy fast-acting and potentially fatal pathogens such as rabies virus.

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